SKU: SW2007A
General Stock Status:  In Production

R 570.00
R 655.50
Please note that this Product contains the following kit item(s):

Whether you’re an SME or a large corporation, with workplace practices shifting and changing, there’s one thing that needs to be rock solid: the technology that keeps you operational.
With this software you can track, monitor and manage your IT assets and endpoints, plus maximise efficiency and ROI with proactive and automated tools – all from one comprehensive toolbox.

Work smarter not harder
Armed with a complete overview of IT activity (device and usage data) and customisable reports, this software makes you ‘all-knowing’, allowing you to work smarter, make better informed decisions and accurately plan future IT spending and refresh cycles.

Making your funds go further
With this, you gain an instant overview of where you’re spending unnecessarily and where your business can make further efficiency savings. From printing costs, wasted energy, unused software licences or hardware – start saving today and achieve a swift return on your investment!

Supporting and managing users
This software provides a range of features so you can efficiently locate, manage and support users and assets within a networked environment – tailoring the data being gathered from each user. Staff remain on task and working effectively within their contracted hours.

Network and data security
Keeping your company’s IT systems secure and running efficiently is a priority. So this software supplies you with the essential tools you need to safeguard your systems and shield them from security threats – whether external or internal – avoiding lost productivity and revenue

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