The Associated Distributors of Educational Supplies in South Africa (ADESSA) was established in 2003 in order to represent suppliers of educational products and services in their dealings with government departments, educational institutions and other interested parties. ADESSA aims to be the “voice” of the e-education industry and to work for the interests of its members. It is independent of government and is funded by subscriptions from member companies.
ADESSA promotes sound and ethical business practices and membership ensures government and other clients of high quality and good value products and services for education. It assists its members to build good relationships with government and educational institutions.
Schools, universities and other educational institutions benefit from the services of ADESSA in the following ways:
- Products and services can be purchased from ADESSA members, knowing that its members are committed to reliable service and support
- The member companies are established, ethical companies (not “fly-by-night” operations)
- Member companies understand the needs and requirements of education in South Africa.
ADESSA members benefit from membership in the following ways:
- They enjoy enhanced credibility with government and educational institutions
- As a result of the close ties that ADESSA has with government, members have access to up-to-date information about educational needs in South Afric
- They can be assured of being part of the “voice” with the decision makers of education in South Africa
- Networking with other reputable members in the education industry may lead to mutually beneficial partnerships (this includes many of our members who are resellers of technology into education)
- Special discounts (at times no cost) opportunities to exhibit at trade shows and events arranged by government departments
Government (the National Department of Basic Education, as well as the provincial departments of education) also benefits from the services of ADESSA:
- It can use ADESSA as a single channel of disseminating information to industry
- It is assured of ethical behaviour and good quality products and services from member nations
- It values the input of member companies when determining policies
We are aiming to strengthen the voice of the industry, in order to support government, but also to influence it in decision making. It is important for all those who are involved in e-education to become united in this process. ADESSA is a neutral body, promoting the common interests of education.